Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Here Comes the Sun...

{WARNING: SOME CONTENT NSFW (Not Safe for Work) A.K.A some photos are a little 'revealing' }

*I suppose at some point what  I post has to become more positive, less caustic, less of a critique of what I see. I mean, you can't be judgmental all the time, can you? Seems that's the direction I'm headed towards. Best of luck to those of you willing to follow me. :P*

At any rate, spring has come to campus, and with it all the vestiges of warmth, sunlight, and people with a serious lack of clothing.  I for one can appreciate the sunny skies and lack of heavy sweaters as much as the next person. However, I believe the sort of apparel as shown in beach photos or the one above are good for just that, the beach, not a college campus. 

"Yes, I understand you have an urgency in getting the most tan the fastest, after all, summer is only 2 and 1/2 months away."

"No, I don't think wearing a bathing suit you'd be afraid to show in front of your gynecologist is exactly proper attire for a campus lawn."

While I merrily type away, at this very moment, some girl, somewhere on campus is contemplating if the suit she bought online is too 'Brazilian' for the laying out on the green or if it will give her awkward tan lines. Not thinking about the possibility of perverts. Not thinking about how skin damage probability increases exponentially in relation to relative size of suit


"The One Piece"

This is cute, safe, and fun.


"The tankini"

A little more revealing, however still very tasteful and adorable


"The bikini" 

This, ladies, is better for  the beach. I understand you think wearing just the top with shorts is fine, but please keep in mind that for every girl thinking, "Cute suit" there are at least three guys thinking, "Cute suit...looks better on the ground." Be careful :P


" Pay-per-view"

Or, more fondly referred to as 'stripper ware'

*These may not represent all the possible ranges of suits, however they certainly have been seen in all sizes and colors on my campus. (Yes. Every. Single. One. Pity me.)*

The point I'm trying to make is perhaps, even if you are a young college person and it's a nice day, that's no excuse for not practicing a little discretion and respecting yourself and those around you.It's not always just us kids on campus, it's walked by teachers, family members, moms and dads, little siblings, government workers, religious personnel, people of community importance. They all care about us, and want us to succeed and not give off an appearance that suggests otherwise.

*Enjoy the day, lay out in the sun, but don't put yourself at health or severe social image risk by what you wear. Prove who you are and what you stand for by what you say or how you act (hopefully, a little less Jenna Jameson).*