- He is 38 inches tall & 35 lbs
- He wears size 3-t
- Size 8 toddler shoe
- He has 30 teeth
- He can stack 5-6 cans and 8-12 blocks
- He can jump straight off the floor and over long distances
- He can do a somersault
- He has imaginative play with characters
- Edwin knows 250+ words
- He knows every family member name
- He can name all his body parts (main ones)
- He can put on boots
- He can sing versions of "Happy Birthday, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Clean Up Clean Up, Rain Rain Go Away, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Bob the Builder theme,etc"
- He climbs up and down stairs virtually no help
- He has a sense of teasing play (calling a red car, a yellow car)
- Recognizes incorrect names for objects (a car is not a bus)
- Knows red, orange, yellow, green,blue, purple, pink
- Counts 1,2,3,4,8
- Still breastfeeds
- Emerging toilet training skill
- Uses simple tools to get what he wants (i.e. moves boxes to climb onto high places)
- Follows simple instruction
- Puts on shirt/pants/socks with help
- Removes clothing without help
- Sorts by shape, size, color, pattern
- Brushes teeth,washes hands
We love you and we are so proud of our crazy, amazing boy